Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bed, Breakfast, and Battle

I (Mary) am going to give you a little glimpse into our lives right now. St. Michel has closed for the week and opened its doors to 80 French "Medieval role players." They have come from all over the country to participate in "the games." The games actually start tomorrow, but the organizers have arrived a day early to set up camp. From what Brigitte and Philippe have told us, the gamers will be given a scenario that they will have to play out all week long. We had to rid the house of all the "modern looking" items to make the scenario as real as possible for the gamers. I honestly can't believe that this is my life right now. I am currently looking out the window and I can see a large group of French nerds: some in Medieval dress attire, some in modern day clad.

I walked down from a nap and the kitchen was taken over by various Medieval items. These items include 2-3 fake (real?) skulls, a fake cobra, a couple of shields, various primitive cooking utensils, and a gun. I'm pretty sure Kind Arthur wielded a sword not a gun. Hmmm what else have I seen, OH there was a pile of swords in the sitting room downstairs, some more shields, and some Medieval looking papers (really they were just printed from a computer in Medieval style font and then thrown in a puddle to make them look dirty, psh amateurs). I can also see a man on weird walking stilt type things which I'm pretty sure he is going to use to be a giant or some kind of weird freak monster. I really think that anything goes this week. 

I will be sure to keep you updated on our week with the nerds. I haven't taken any pictures yet, but I will take as many as possible. The good part of this madness is that none of the workawayers have to work this week. Brigitte is sending us away with her car in the afternoons. I think that this will give us a good chance to preserve our sanity and interact with normal "present-day" people. Brigitte also said that when we are actually at St. Michel we may have to participate by dressing up. This consists of wearing a sheet and some kind of belt. This is madness, but I think that we may actually have some fun with it. When in France!


  1. Jake, you should love this week, BEWARE the black plague!

  2. Mary Ellen you can dress up as Lady Godiva and Jake you can as Lancelot..LOL
